Sunday, September 28, 2014

Day Fourteen

Day Fourteen… It’s only been two weeks, yet if feels like it has been two years. I miss him so much. Tomorrow is his P-day and I want so badly to get on and talk with him, but I have work at 11 :( exactly when he gets on.

My car battery died today but my grandpa thinks he fixed it. I also went to the singles ward today and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I am going up to Salt lake this weekend to pick up my missionaries car which I got from him. One of my really good friends is driving me up. My other friend is trying to get us tickets to Sunday General conference. I really hope she is able to get them.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Day Thirteen

Day Thirteen… Hmm that sounds so weird. I miss him :( I miss him a lot today. It’s really hard to not be able to talk to him about it. Always having to be so upbeat in my letters. I really miss him, and although I am trying to use this time to better myself, I find that I am just counting down until it is an acceptable time to go to bed. I really hope he is doing well and that he knows I am proud of him. Heaven knows I have told him a zillion times.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Day Twelve

Ah its day twelve! I got a letter from him today. Garage cat came home. She was locked in the neighbors shed. I went to music fest in Zion with Marissa and got a cute slave bracelet and glowy egg rock for my missionary just for fun. I miss him. I’m tired. Goodnight! :)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Day Eleven

It’s day eleven… It was so long. My work flooded so I had to deal with that all day, and now its like eight and I’m already passing out. I don’t know why. I miss my boyfriend :( So much. I seriously count down the hours until I can go to sleep. Also my garage cat is missing and we are pretty sure the neighbor killed her :(

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Day Ten

Ten days. It’s been ten days… So like almost half a month. Gosh, today has been so long and stressful. I was at work from 8 in the morning until 8 at night. So 12 hours. We had a work party today so I had to stay behind and help set up and take down. It was fun, but watching all those married couples really made me marriage hungry. Like I want to get married so bad!!!!! UGH! So these next two years need to hurry up.
So I just walked in and am super tired. I miss my missionary and I still need to get ready for bed and read my scriptures! Goodnight!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day Nine

Well day nine has come and gone. Today was an okay day. I had today off and I didn’t wake up until ten, and I still felt like I could have slept longer. However I had an phone interview with the bank. I think I did alright. I really couldn’t tell because the girl Interviewing me was super awkward and hard to talk to! So we will see. I have a second Interview at a spa as a hike guide! I want this one pretty bad! I feel like I would be so good at it! Especially because I am trying to get my personal trainers license. I just think it would be a good fit. So I will keep you all posted on the results.
So tomorrow is my work party. I made salsa. I hope everyone likes it.
I seriously can’t wait to get a letter from my missionary! I feel like once we get in the swing of this letter thing it will be much easier. I miss him so much and I think about him always. Sometimes I wish I could just fast forward through the next two years. Oh well.

It’s late and I’m off to bed! :)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Day Eight

Wow, so it’s day eight. I can’t believe it’s only been a week! It feels like months! I know I am being a baby.
Today is Monday, Pday, so set an alarm for 8 sat in front of my email until about 11:45 when I finally got the email I had been waiting for. I hurriedly replied back but he didn’t say anything for another 30 minutes. I kept messeging him and his responsed weren’t matching what I was asking or saying. I shortly realized he wasn’t getting my emails :( I seriously cried for an hour. I couldn’t hardly sleep last night because I was so excited to hear from him. Especially since I hadn’t even gotten a letter all week. I don’t know if he ever saw any of my response’s but he kind of talked to me then had to go. I was SO upset. I’m still pretty sad.
But now that I have his address I can write him, and just before he had to go, he told me he was going to write me today. I also wrote him and hurried and sent the letter out. I’m still not sure how many days it takes to send a letter between here and Wisconsin. I’m guessing about three-four days. Which sucks, but is much better than if he were somewhere foreign.
I can’t wait to hear about his experiences. I did get a newsletter update that he sends out to everyone, which was super nice. It gave me a better idea on how things were going. I still feel like I don’t know much though.
I really appreciate my missionaries mother, she has been so awesome, and sweet, by keeping me in the loup. She really has made this week a lot easier and I don’t think she even realizes it. She is a very great person.
I have a job interview at a bank tomorrow! Wish me luck. I’m so nervous. I know my chances are very slim of getting it, but I want it so badly. I’ll try my best and see what the lord has in store for me.
I’m not really sure where my day went. It’s already six and I feel like it is barely noon. Oh well. At least the days are going by faster. I’m hoping they will continue to do so.
I’m getting ready to start a new yoga class, which I am super excited about! I can’t start it until I get all my crazy stressful stuff done this month. I have so many bills this month its insane! I’m not sure how I’m gonna pull it off.
Anyways, today was boring. I hope tomorrow is better. Work has been SO slow, so I am still only working two days a week. Thats why I’m hoping on getting this bank job.
I think that’s about all I have to say for the day. Later! :)